Management of
project portfolios
The art of prioritizing and managing parallel projects in a changing world.
Common problems when working with parallel projects
As projects multiply, it's easy to lose both overview and control over them. It becomes difficult to prioritize between projects, and the priorities that are set are not set in a consistent way. Both the project model and the way of working become difficult to implement, resulting in poor compliance.
It is common for projects to be handled differently within an organization, for example they may be supported by different solutions, leading to a lack of both feedback and continuous learning. In addition, the project organization can easily diverge in the absence of unified governance, and thus the common project processes are not fully exploited.
In addition, the following is often missing:
- A clear link to the strategic objectives.
- Overview of projects and how they deliver against project objectives.
- Owners and managers of different portfolios.
- A full financial follow-up of the projects in the portfolio.
- Status report and forecasts.
- Overview of the cases in the portfolio.
CANEA Project provides an overview of all ongoing projects. This means that management can now quickly and accurately see if we have room in the flow or if the pressure is on - and it means that new projects can be initiated with respect for the organization's workload.

Portfolio management
with dynamic capacity and strategic adaptability
With CANEA Project, change management work can be carried out with a good overview of all projects, which provides a better basis for decision-making. It becomes much easier to prioritize which change programs and projects are most in need of investment and how they need to be aligned with the environment to create the greatest benefit. CANEA Project takes into account the balance between change and day-to-day operations, and makes it easier to successfully achieve objectives and realize the benefits of efforts made.

The system gives you an unbeatable overview of your entire project portfolio, its profitability and status. That makes it easier to choose the right project, prioritise and make decisions. With CANEA Project, you maximize the benefits of your project investments.
Manage multi-level project portfolios and programs with aggregated status. View multiple projects simultaneously, as well as from different perspectives, such as project type, organization and strategy. Facilitate prioritization and control of multi-project operations for management and project office.
Manage resources across the project. Plan resource allocation and roles in projects on both activities and work packages, with weekly, monthly or quarterly accrual. Monitor overbooking and resource availability by resource, role, department or period.
Prioritize projects within portfolios using flexible priority type management.
See both the aggregated state of the portfolio in relation to flexible status types and the performance of individual projects.
Get a clear and detailed picture of the financial status of your portfolios.
Get control of project planning with clear Gantt charts. Read off your project status and planning.
Generate reports in the system in table format or as interactive diagrams. Create decision documentation and analyze summaries with parameters such as benefit, time, cost, project type, priority and status. Draw key conclusions using all data. Export to ready-made PowerPoint templates that can be customized as required. The system comes with a powerful and flexible analysis component for graphical presentation

Part of a
comprehensive solution
CANEA Project is one of five user-friendly modules in our CANEA ONE platform. The modules can be used as stand-alone modules and together form a comprehensive system for efficient business management; linking strategies, projects, processes, cases and documents.

CANEA knows project portfolio management
Management must be tailored to each organization's unique needs in terms of resources, activities, flows, information and metrics for portfolio management to be successful. CANEA has extensive experience in designing and optimizing project portfolios and the tool we use is proven with a complete functionality for all types of organizations and projects.
Some of our clients
Canea has helped hundreds of organizations become both more efficient and more profitable. Here are some examples of what we've worked on so far.