Claims and complaints
Important feedback from the market and a chance
to nurture and retain customers.
Background and challenges
Handling complaints is a burden for many companies. It is a costly process that requires resources from both companies and customers. There is a lot of information that must be handled in various workflows such as customer contacts, registration of complaints, investigation of cases, return of goods, internal measures, crediting to customers and sometimes contacts with suppliers.
There is a risk of problems arising in the handovers between the various activities in the claims process and, due to its complexity, cases can sometimes go 'the wrong way'. In the end, it is the customer who suffers by not getting answers and action in time. And, in the worst case, the same problem is constantly recurring. In other words, a well-functioning handling of claims, complaints and opinions, based on correct information, is a critical success factor for good customer relations and reduced costs.
Effective complaint handling
A well-functioning system for complaints is a prerequisite for efficient handling throughout the entire flow, and such a system supports feedback and continuous dialogue with the customer. An automated case flow gathers all information in one place and facilitates handovers, which reduces costs and increases the chance of customer retention.
Systematic documentation of which products or services the complaints apply to, where they arose, the root causes and the costs of complaints is critical knowledge for a company. Together with past lessons learned, it can be used to take relevant and corrective actions that last, resulting in fewer errors and ultimately reduced claims handling costs.
The basis for good management is to adapt the way of working to the needs of the business with respect to, among other things, actors, activities, process flow, information and key figures. We have many years of experience in designing complaint processes for companies in various industries.
There are five key components in claims handling:
Automated flow
Minimize the risk of cases getting stuck or falling between chairs due to the human factor.
Feedback to costumers
Customers expect clear feedback regarding case status and decisions.
Involved parties
Involve external parties such as suppliers and retailers in the process to increase efficiency.
Integrated system
Secure and standardize relevant information with connections to external systems such as CRM/ERP.
Improved operations
Utilize complaint handling as one of the best sources of continuous business improvement.
Here's how we can help you
With the help of CANEA ONE, complaints and claims can be collected in a structured way from several stakeholders for a controlled handling. Reporting can, for example, take place via smart phones, from an external website, via the intranet or directly in the system. After registration, the system helps with case management so that all complaints are investigated and followed up in a quality-assured manner.
As part of a continuous improvement of the business, in the next step complaints and claims are connected to a systematic investigation of root causes and solutions, to take actions to prevent future problems. You can then use different process-based methodologies such as PDCA, 8D or DMAIC seamlessly connected in CANEA ONE.
The complaint flows simplify the work that passes through the interfaces between different departments and at the same time create a better compliance and overview.

The best of CANEA ONE
CANEA ONE is an integrated business management software family that helps solve the fundamental organizational dilemma of coordinating business resources and work methods by connecting strategies, projects, processes, cases and documents.
The system is configured directly in the browser using the easy-to-navigate design. Form layout, settings, flows, business logic and rules are set to suit the needs of each business and the design of the current process. It does not require any IT skills but can be managed directly by the business on an ongoing basis.
The CANEAWorkflow module, which is part of CANEAONE, is designed to handle and follow up complaints through:
- Simple reporting
- Automated flow with quality-assured information
- Feedback to customer
- Clear overview of the status of the cases
- Prioritization and weighting
- Alarm and emergency functions
- External users such as suppliers and customers
- Built-in charting tool for follow-up.

It is easy to report complaints in the system and it can be done in different ways. Customers and external actors can, for example, register cases via a standard web interface, but there is also support for reporting from mobile devices, where camera images can easily be attached to the report.
Complaints are automatically distributed to the right person/role/team entirely according to the desired business logic. All people involved are notified, for example, via e-mail in case of handovers, but also in case of alarms and escalations.
The workflow for handling complaints is set up in the system so that the activities to be carried out come in the right order, to the right person and at the right time. The system is adapted to how you want to work with your complaint flow, and not the other way around.
The system makes it possible for several people to work on the same case. All case information such as attachments, communications and e-mails are gathered in one place. This makes it easy for the case managers to have full control, handle many cases in parallel, cover for each other and quickly familiarize themselves with each other's cases.
In order to not only put out fires and act with short-term measures, there is methodological support for troubleshooting and improvement directly in the case flows, such as "Five whys", FMEA or 8D. These are configured based on your needs as a natural part of complaint handling.
With the help of predefined export templates in different formats, case reports are created with customized content and layout for different needs. Which makes it easy to share information about cases with external parties.

Part of a comprehensive
CANEA ONE has five user-friendly modules. The modules can be used independently, and together they form a comprehensive system for effective business management that connects strategies, projects, processes, cases and documents.

The benefits of structured complaint handling
According to their own statements, many companies spend too much time "putting out fires", which arise due to claims and complaints. Therefore, a systematic way of working with root cause analysis is needed to be able to come up with effective and corrective measures, which lead to the problems not being repeated and to reducing costs.
The system's functions for reports and charts provide a good overview of cases. In this way, patterns and trends that indicate deficiencies in the quality of the business can be identified and correct measures taken.

CANEA can help you with complaint handling
In order to succeed in the handling of claims and complaints, the way of working needs to be adapted to your organization's needs and situation with regard to resources, activities and information. We have many years of experience in handling these issues and offer not only an IT platform, but also knowledge in the form of training courses and knowledgeable consultants.
Some of our costumers
Since the start, we have helped hundreds of organizations become both more efficient and more profitable. Here are some examples of customers using CANEA ONE.

Want to know what
we can do for you?
For 30 years we've been helping businesses improve. Contact our sales representatives for pricing or get more material on CANEA's methodology for creating vibrant and effective management systems that meet all the requirements of various standards.