The journey to an ISO 27001 certified management system went almost as smooth as an AGV ride

For self-driving trucks to perform their tasks safely, the software must work properly, which means that its integrity must be ensured. This is one of the reasons why the area of information security is a high priority at Kollmorgen Automation AB. In 2021, The company therefore decided to start working with CANEA to certify its management system according to ISO 27001.

Kollmorgen Automation AB develops and markets advanced control systems for AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) to customers and partners worldwide. AGVs are an indispensable and often crucial part of modern logistics infrastructure and information security is therefore a strategic issue for the entire industry. It is an absolute requirement that the software of AGVs cannot be destroyed or altered, especially when they operate in environments where people are present.

Kollmorgen also handles information about customers and employees, which must be protected. In order to be able to work with information security in a systematic way, as well as meet the requirements of both customers and laws, the management of Kollmorgen Automation AB decided at the end of 2021 to implement an information security management system according to ISO 27001.



Kollmorgen chose CANEA as a supplier of qualified consulting support when they were to design, implement and quality assure their management system for information security. The choice fell on CANEA because we could offer a comprehensive solution with both consulting services in management and expertise in areas such as management systems, process orientation, cyber security, legal, and more.

CANEA also offered a cost-effective approach where most of the work was carried out by a team at Kollmorgen, but where CANEA's experts contributed with knowledge on what steps to take, and how, to achieve ISO 27001 compliance.

CANEA's consultant also acted as a sounding board, reviewing the materials and processes developed by the Kollmorgen team during the project. During the final phase of the project, and afterwards, CANEA also performed internal audits for Kollmorgen, but through a different consultant to ensure objectivity.

The collaboration went smoothly. The CANEA consultant focused on the right things and was available when questions arose, says Tomas Angervall, Sustainability Manager at Kollmorgen, and continues:

CANEA provided templates and methodology that our team at Kollmorgen adapted to our business and then implemented. Having something to work from, plus guidance from an expert, made the work go faster.

Kollmorgen is now using the methodology from the project in other areas. One example is risk management, where it is used when examining general business risks. It also uses the compliance template in its environmental management work under ISO 14001 and other standards.



After a solid and well-executed work, Kollmorgen Automation AB was able to certify the business against ISO 27001 according to the original plan.

Having a management system in accordance with ISO 27001 makes it easier to communicate with customers when they raise questions related to information security, concludes a satisfied Tomas Angervall.


”The best thing about working with CANEA was that the consultant focused on the right things and was available when we had questions. We were looking for an expert and we got it. The templates and methodology from CANEA made the work efficient.”

Tomas Angervall
Sustainability Manager
Kollmorgen Automation AB