How to leverage an eQMS for the entire organization | CANEA

In life sciences companies, there is often a person or department responsible for quality assurance that is the driving force behind the use of an electronic quality management system. However, having an eQMS that is isolated from the rest of the organization, and the other systems, does not encourage employee engagement.

To create motivation, it is important to broaden the perspective on how an IT solution should serve the entire organization while supporting the business strategy. Below are several arguments that can be used to nudge colleagues in the right direction and start working more efficiently with the help of an eQMS.

What’s in it for me

When implementing an eQMS, all parts of the organization – from purchasing, finance, operations and quality assurance to HR, sales, and marketing – should be involved at an early stage, when requirements are defined. Questions such as "What do you need to make your daily work easier and more manageable?" puts users' needs first and creates collaborative and motivated teams. Implementing and adopting an eQMS is easier if you involve those affected, put yourself in their shoes and make them understand the benefits. For example, if an operations manager can easily find the latest production report, the rest of the staff will realize that using the new system saves time and resources.

Download the E-book "Life Science eQMS" for more inspiration

Knowing who does what

An eQMS keeps track of who does what, as it is based on people's different roles in the company. Users' roles define access to documents, plans, policies, and procedures. As a result, employees will only receive messages and reminders that are relevant to them, instead of everyone in the company always being informed about everything. This reduces the risk of information overload and stress when the inbox is filled to the brim.

Users also don't have to worry about accidentally deleting or editing documents that are not relevant to them, which in turn reduces the fear of making mistakes. The ability to decide who should have access to the different documents, which documents should require e-signature approvals, and who should review and approve a specific document makes it easier to meet secure data management requirements.

More accountability and transparency

Full traceability, i.e. being able to see when someone has changed, updated, or commented on a document, provides both greater transparency in work processes and greater clarity as to who is responsible for what. You know who to ask or discuss with when action needs to be taken. With a well-structured eQMS, employees can easily see where a case or document is in the process and what is expected of them. The system sends out automatic notifications of updates, friendly reminders of due dates and so on. In this way, an eQMS becomes a useful tool to motivate employees and make them feel more responsible for the work they do.

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Easy to administer and integrate with other systems

Many life science companies ask if an eQMS can be integrated with their business and IT systems and the answer is an unconditional "Yes!". But it is important to integrate systems only when it makes sense and adds value. To ensure that employees do not have to perform the same procedures in two different systems. Double reporting leads to frustration and questioning. For example, if you need to import or export a report between your eQMS and CRM or business support system, it can be done with rules that determine the format and specify how often it needs to be done. Accessing data from other systems via integration can be a great asset to a company when it comes to tracking metrics.  

Based on these simple arguments, we can work together to create an eQMS that helps rather than hinders your work.